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Important Info

We believe that working together to provide the best Continuum of Care is essential to positive growth in our traumatized youth.

Congregate Care = Greater Challenges (They Are Not Good Enough)

Of the 64,196 children and youth in Foster Care, 5,125 are in Congregate Care (Group Homes)

The youth in these programs most likely will have multiple placements, making reunification difficult and re enter foster care.

14% of youth in congregate care drop out of High School  compared to 4% of foster children not placed in congregate care.

Youth in congregate care are more likely to have juvenile justice involvement.

Transformation to Trauma-Informed Family -Based Care

Placement, Coordination of Resources and Case Planning must work together to prioritize the needs of the youth. We owe them a better outcome.  We must Change Congregate Care to Trauma-Informed Care. Provide Residential  program placement  that  concentrates on the individual, with residential number limits and  single room safety,  Providing youth with continual and available services in a  Family Based atmosphere with  a focus on healing and wholeness through long term program support. Re-connecting, when possible, with healthy relationships and not be in fear of transitive placement.  Re-inventing what resource families look like, and re-defining roles of care teams.  Be committed to the youth throughout the process so that they can look forward to a life of freedom and purpose. 



How do I get a Group started in my school?

To start a group in your school,  have your counselor or social work specialist contact us to set up an informational meeting. We tailor our modules to the needs of the students.  Modules can range from topics on self care, body image and anxiety to anger management and grief.  Our goal is to understand the culture of the school while supporting students and staff without disrupting their educational goals. 

A Young Woman Reading a Book

Will I have to tell my story?

One of the benefits of our groups is having the ability to be seen and heard and feel  connection.  Connection is best achieved when we are open and transparent with our struggles.  When we share even a small part of our story, there is an opportunity for others to connect and identify with those pieces of our stories. While we never force someone to share,  when we do, it often benefits many others in the group.  You are beautifully unique, and deserve to be known for who you are. It is our uniqueness that brings diversity to each group and allows each of us to contribute something different without fear of judgement.  We all struggle and when we don't feel like we are alone in that struggle it helps us to continue to move through those struggles toward  new strength.  


What if I want to work with a mentor on an individual basis?

We are more than happy to connect with you and do an assessment of your needs and work with you and your caregiver to find the best overall  solution for you for individual mentoring.  If you are working with any service providers, we are happy to communicate with them also.  If you are needing resources  to receive other possible services, we will do our best to connect you with the right organizations and the right resources.

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